Red Roses #3 (pink wrapping)


Beautiful imported Red Ruby Roses from India/Kenya complimented with fresh eucalyptus leaves and framed with white baby’s breaths. Red Roses #3 is complimented with pastel pink wrapping colors.

Pictured here: 18 Roses

*We strive our best to match the aesthetics of the product as closely as possible, however, complimentary flowers, foliage and wrapping colors may vary according to stock availability during the Valentine’s Day period.

SKU: V012 Category:

*We strive our best to match the aesthetics of the product as closely as possible, however, complimentary flowers, foliage and wrapping colors may vary according to stock availability during the Valentine’s Day period.

Choose From:

6 Roses, 10 Roses, 12 Roses, 15 Roses, 18 Roses, 24 Roses


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